Harmonograph Architecture

Harmonograph simulator

Road project work.

This is the website for my sixth semester studio project as a Graduate student at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

This semester, I have been investigating complex harmonic motion, and in particular the harmonograph. This research was motivated by the initial prompt: "bicycle" - the movement of the gears of the bicycle, and the simple frame were thus the inspiration for researching a drawing / form creation technique that seems to have almost unlimited potential.

I have chosen to do part of my project as a website, both as an opportunity to disseminate my work to more people (and receive feedback), and also to make use of the unique processing and display capabilities possible on the internet.

Harmony, symmetry, music, architecture

What is harmony? The word harmony comes from the Greek "ἁρμόζω" - to fit together, to join. Initially identified with the entireity of music, harmony today refers to the use of pitches that "harmonize" - that have certain proportional relationships to each other.

What is symmetry? Symmetry likewise has a Greek origin - "συμμετρία" (symmetria) - agreement in dimensions, due proportion, arrangement.

Colin Rowe



I have a midterm tomorrow and so I don't have enough time right now to set up anything much. However, I think it does make sense to add a few links to other useful harmonograph tools on the finternet. Hopefully soon enough I will have my own content.